The Uranium Deal Part 2

This business deal is about as complex and corrupt as they come so let’s continue.
All deals for mineral assets from Kazakhstan had to have the approval of the president, Nazarbayev but this would not be a problem for Giustra and his shell company. The reason, Giustra and Clinton were tight (some say joined at the hip) and Clinton’s relationship with Nazarbayev went back to 1994. The skids were greased and it was full steam ahead. The major Uranium players would be ignored only they didn’t know they were playing against a stacked deck.
Both Clinton and Giustra vehemently denied that they used their influence with the Kazakh government. In fact Clinton even said that the president did not have to approve the deal which was totally false. Did he lie or was he just ignorant? You be the judge. This was proven to be false when execs for the fledging uranium company affirmed that the Kazakh government had to approve the deal, which of course they did.
Thus Giustra and his shell company UrAsia acquired the mining rights to the uranium fields and quickly brokered a merger with a legitimate mining company, Uranium One, and transferred all the assets to it. But this proved to be more difficult that they thought. The Kazakh government had to approve all transfer of mineral assets and this approval was not forthcoming.
Enter Hillary Clinton! A 2009 video on an unrelated matter has a Kazakh official saying Hillary pressured Kazakh to approve the deal. Hillary was a senator from NY at the time. Both Hillary and Bill threatened that American aid to Kazakh would be with held unless the deal was approved. At the time Hillary sat on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
To sweeten the deal, Bill nominated Nazarbayev to head up the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Making him head of OSCE was like putting Iran in charge of the Atomic Energy Commission. But Bill made it happen.
Shortly there after the assets were transferred and a few months later Giustra made a $31.1 million donation to the Clinton Foundation. This was the first of many donations he would make after securing other lucrative mineral rights deal.
After the dust settled and the aforemention company UrAsia went public making all the key players filthy rich, UrAsia merged with Uranium One with UrAsia left in control. Giustra and his cronies then began acquiring uranium assets in the United States since they were a Canadian company and such deals were common.
Enter the Russians. The bought a stake in UrAsia and I will describe this in the next part.
End of Part 2.

The Clintons…Cam America Afford Them?

Presidents Clinton—- Can America (or the world?) Afford them?
It is abundantly clear that the world is facing a financial disaster with the United Sates leading the way to ignore it. The Eurozone is in financial chaos with several formerly fiscally sound nations now on the brink of default. There may be a domino effect as almost happened two years ago with Greece. That nation tottered on the financial brink and was bailed out by the IMF, World Bank and the largesse of some of the more stable nations in Europe.
Greece has appeared to have recovered with a massive payback of the hundreds of billion loaned to it. But, will this be enough? The Greek economy is purely socialistic with no real entrepreneurial spirit or any inkling by the working populace to help themselves. The economy is one of government handouts. Unions run rampant. The Greek people cry for more. But soon, the teat will go dry and the domino effect will start its first sign of a beginning.
America is headed down the same path and all the politicians are turning a blind eye. Hillary Clinton will not answer a single question about what her plan for America might be. Hillary is no dummy but she pales in comparison to her mentor and husband, Bill. He, unquestionably is one of the cleverest politicians America has ever produced. (please note I avoided the use of the adjective “smart”). He is beloved thruout the world, commands millions of dollars just to spout platitudes to the adoring masses. He would still be president if allowed, but 22nd Amendment stopped him cold.
So he has done the next best thing. Put his prodigy in the hunt. He is so feared by all in the Democratic party that only one independent (?) senator has risen to challenge the Clintonian dynasty. A former Republican, Bernie Sander of NH, who declared he was independent but caucuses with the Dems.
But as clever as Bill is, he has made one serious mistake, the Clinton Foundation. In the past week the book by Peter Schweizer, “Clinton Cash”, has hit the bookstores. It is must reading for every red blooded American to get the adrenalin pumping over the fraud the Clintons have committed and continue to commit on the American Public. This couple is truly Teflon. They are both lawyers, although I believe both have either lost or given up their law licenses, and know exactly where the legal lines lie and carefully work around them. They do this via the non-profit Clinton Foundation which is now run by their daughter giving the appearance of an arm’s length relation. Are you kidding me? They have literally thrown their own daughter under the waiting bus that will surely start to roll. The first crack in the foundation (an obvious pun) came with that ABC Anchor Weasel George Stephanpolus. He had previously internally disclosed he had donated to the Foundation but never how much.
Today’s talking heads caught up with him and he admitted he had not publicly admitted his ties with the foundation and the fact his donation was $75000! That’s one and one half times what the average America earns in a year. The foundation does not disclose exact amounts, only ranges of dollars so we will never know exactly what he has donated and what favors he has or will, receive.
I know not all of you will have the time to read “Clinton Cash” so over the next few months I will attempt to pass on to you the invidious scheme the Clintons have perpetrated. I hope you will read these posts and pass them on to others. I will announce all updates and publish this letter on the web site so you are aware when updates come up. I have faith the GOP will finally get a candidate who will defeat Hillary but one can never be sure. America cannot afford the socialist bent of the Clintons, nor can we afford another Clinton in the white house.  The website is at . Thanks for reading and as always, your comments are welcome and appreciated.