The Uranium Deal Part 3

Enter the Russians
Let’s talk about Hillary’s “reset” with the Russians. In the waning years of the Bush administration tensions started to rise with the Russians. Putin and Bush had no use for the other and the new Obama team thought they could get things back on track with a “reset”. This was Hillary’s brainchild. Hillary offered the Kremlin a chance to clean the slate and begin anew. At the heart of the reset was a bunch of economic and business deals involving oil and gas. What Hillary didn’t know was it was all a front so Putin could get his hands on more uranium.
The Russians had an ambitious plan for nuclear reactors but really wanted to corral a bigger share of the world uranium market. The dirty secret here was many of the deals the reset gave birth to returned huge profits to the investors who in turn donated many millions to the Clinton Foundation and funded the huge fees Billy Boy was getting for his laconic speeches. Many of the deals required State department approval which was a rubber “Hillary” stamp.
The Russian regulatory agency for all things nuclear is Rosatom. It is controlled entirely by the state and is considered very classified by the Russians. In 2009 the US was warned that the Russians were making moves to gather up more stores of Uranium and potentially take over territory that could supply it. (Recall the invasion of the Ukraine). Also in 2009 Rosatom bought a 17% stake in Uranium One. At the same time, Uranium One, a Canadian Company) was buying a huge stake of the American uranium market. By 2010, Uranium One had 61 nuclear projects going on 293,000 acres of US soil. This, plus other US holdings, projected Uranium One to control up to 50% of the American Uranium market by 2015.
The Russians sat back and just drooled over the opportunity to get involved here. But a slight hiccup occurred. In the Bush administration there was an agreement called the 123 Agreement. Basically it said there had to be specific nuclear agreements in place before doing any nuclear business with a foreign country. It was on the table with Russia but when they started rattling their sabres in Georgia, it was withdrawn. The net of this was no nuclear deals could be made without a new 123 Agreement.
Enter the Reset! The agreement was back on and guess who was in charge? HILLARY! Part of the reset was the US-Russian Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement which opened the door for Putin’s gang at Rosatom to buy a 51% stake in Uranium One. The story starts to get a bit convoluted here as many execs at Uranium One became filthy rich and many millions more poured into the Clinton Foundation from the profits they made.
The Russians had to overcome one more obstacle before they could take over Uranium One. Since it held strategic US assets, it required the approval of the Federal government and guess who that was. Right again, HILLARY! But, there was concern expressed by the Canadians and several US congressmen who felt the Russians could not be trusted in a commercial endeavor.
Putin went into major damage control in convincing everyone they could comply as did the management team of Uranium One. Letters were written by congress and many voices objected but eventually the deal was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)
Now who the heck are they and where did they get into the act? Next part.
End of Part 3

Clinton Cash- The Uranium Deal -1

Let me say right up front that this is the Clintons at their best. It is the most complex scheme that I have ever tried to comprehend and I admire Peter Schweizer for his tenacity and perseverance in unraveling this tale of intrigue and blatant dishonesty. You may recall a few years ago I uncovered the scheme launched by Sen.Teddy Kennedy in his thwarted attempt to wrest the nomination from Jimmy Carter. That pales in comparison to this.
Let me first say that beneath all this is a US Statute that makes it illegal for any foreign national or entity to contribute funding for any American election. This law has been upheld by the Supreme Court. Keep this in mind.
So the question arises is the Clinton Foundation merely a slush fund for foreign campaign donations as well as the huge speaking fees Bill receives? You can come to your own conclusions.
When Bill left office and they together allegedly dead broke, set up the foundation, Bill’s speaking fees ballooned. Then after Hillary became the senator from the NY, the donations poured into the Foundation coffers, mostly foreign but some domestic and all tied to political favors. The unanswered question was obvious, why donate to a third party (The Foundation) when you could donate directly to the relief agencies?? When Hillary was appointed to SECSTATE, many members of congress on both sides of the aisle questioned this choice. Among them, Richard Luger and John Kerry, both Dems. Before Obama formally put her forward, an MOU was put in place. The MOU required the Foundation to submit all of Bill’s speeches to the State Dept. ethics office for review. NOTE: who would be running state? Plus, the publication of the names of any major donors and its initiatives. Finally the Clintons would seek pre-approval on direct contributions from foreign governments or foreign entities. There was argument both pro and con on both sides but the Teflon Kids won out on a 94-2 vote.
It was a sham and violated almost immediately. Bill would fly around the world making speeches and frequently be accompanied by those who would be directly affected by the foundations largesse. After the trips the millions would roll into the Foundation and the Bank Clinton and favors would be granted thru Hillary and her staff.
Enter Kazakhstan
This country contains a sizeable amount of the world’s uranium supply. In 2005 Bill was there to activate the HIV/AIDS programs. But, according to WHO, this country had only 1500 patients who needed treatment. Bill held public and private meetings with President Nazarbayev, a notorious despot and dictator who had no regard for human rights. Bill met with him on the eve of the national election to give him more respectability.
On this same trip was Canadian Millionaire Frank Giustra. They travelled in Giustra’s private jetliner. In fact Bill frequently used this aircraft whenever he needed it. Such was their relationship. Giustra had done mining deals with autocrats prior and he knew the value of the brand “Clinton”. Together, they formed a company called CGSGI (Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative) to foster growth in economically growing areas but all had considerable natural resources.
Giustra also owned a new mining company called UrAsia Energy. A bit player on the world stage that wanted in on the Kazazk uranium resources. But so did all the major world players and he stood little chance. But those companies didn’t have the Clintons.
More later.